Amanda Jo Williams

L.A.-based Amanda Jo Williams' person and music are most usually and most variously described by a combination of "country" and "weird" or any synonymous words thereof, usually in a complimentary, if confused, way. Read how the L.A. Times tries to wrap its head around her music: "Listening to Amanda Jo Williams’ rough-shod country-folk is like eating a squirrel stew supper before falling into bed, where you then lie awake and hear the haunted scrabbles of raccoons, coyotes and bears and wonder if you staggered out there, would you be eaten alive or inducted into some ritualistic animal society." Your listening experience is likely not to be so ... detailed. But it's bound to be interesting, and you'll probably be compelled to listen again, if you haven't already. Trailer Fire is proud to reissue the Georgia native's 2006 album Yes I Will, Mr. Man, on cassette as bright-orange as California sunshine.
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TFR-010 Yes I Will, Mr. Man (Cassette)